CoED Bible study

9:00AM Sundays

  • Coed-A

    taught by Jim Williams and assisted by Vicki Fox

    Room A-102 & A104 in Worship Center

    This class is a mix of couples and singles age 60 and up

  • COED-B

    Taught by Randall Jones

    Room A-209 on the second floor of the Worship Center.

    This class age range is age 55 and up.

  • COED-J

    taught by Jim Carson

    Meets in Room A-202/204 on the second floor of the Worship Center.

    This class is a mix of couples and singles ranging in age from 35-75

  • COED-I

    taught by Wayne Sherfey.

    Meets in Room A-207 on the second floor or the Worship Center.

    This class is a mix of couples and singles age 45 and up.

  • COED-H

    taught by Brandon Howard

    Meets in Room A-213 on the second floor of the Worship Center.

    This class is made up of couples ranging in age from 25- 50.

  • COED-D

    taught by Ryan McReynolds

    Meets in Room A-217/219 on the second floor of the Worship Center.

    This class is made up of couples and singles age 30 and up.

  • College and Career Class

    taught by Wes and Whitney Debord

    Meets in Room A- 211 on the second floor of the Worship Center

    This is a class made up of 18 to 20- somethings who are either in-school, recently graduated, or already in the workforce.

COED Bible Study

9:00am Sundays

  • COED-E

    taught by Gary Luce

    Meets in Room A-205 on the second floor of the Worship Center.

    This class is made up of couples and singles age 35 and up.

  • Explore the Bible

    taught by Gary Hubbard

    Meets in Room A-208 in Worship Center

    This class is made up of men and women ranging in age from 60 up

  • One year bible class

    taught by Matt Davison and David McMillan

    Meets in Room A-215 on the second floor of the Worship Center.

    This class is made up of various ages.


    taught by Chip Scarce

    Meets in A- 210 on the second floor of the Worship Center.

    This class is made up of married and single adults ranging in ages 30 and up.