ISBC leadership

The staff here at ISBC is comprised of men and women who love, care, and pray for the many groups within our church. If you have any questions for any of our staff, feel free to reach out and email them or call our church office to speak with them. 

You can contact the church office at or (423) 323-2187.

  • Aaron rayburn

    Lead Pastor

    Pastor Aaron returned to serve at ISBC on February 19, 2023.  He and his wife, Jill have four children.

  • Evan Edwards

    Pastor of Worship and Administration

    Evan began leading the Worship Ministry at ISBC in 2019. He is married to Wendy, and they have three children, Eli, Phoebe, and Josiah. Evan received his MA in Worship Studies from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary and is pursuing his Doctorate in Worship Ministry at Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary.

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  • Tom Schoeneck

    Pastoral Care Pastor

    Tom began serving ISBC in 2020 as he moved closer to family in Kingsport from a Lead Pastorate in Wyoming. He is married to Carol, and they have two grown children and several grandchildren. Tom received his Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary.


ADministrative Staff

ministry coordinators

  • Melissa Sherfey

    office manager


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  • Evelyn Baker

    Financial Assistant


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  • Angela Grizzle

    Executive Assistant To the pastor of worship & administration


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  • pam goforth sierra

    hospitality & special events

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  • teena counts


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    Information TechnologyCHRISTOPHER@ISBC.ORG

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